School Life
Morning Meeting

Modeling Integrity

Trinity hosts six area independent schools for annual Honor Symposium

Trinity was proud to host student honor council representatives from six other area independent schools for an annual Honor Symposium conference on Friday, January 26. The event welcomed nearly 70 students and faculty from the Collegiate School, Benedictine College Prep, St. Gertrude’s School, St. Catherine’s School, St. Christopher’s School and The Steward School for a morning of candid discussions about the challenges and rewards of maintaining an honor code. 

Being part of an honor council is a unique and challenging leadership role both for students and the faculty who support them. Two current student representatives from the University of Richmond Honor Councils facilitated group discussions and case studies on academic integrity and gave an in-depth look at the university’s student-run honor system.

“The symposium gives us a way to discuss current issues, like the use of artificial intelligence, student mental health and defining plagiarism,” said Alice Phillips, faculty co-sponsor of Trinity’s Honor Committee, noting that the annual event also allows student to collaborate with others charged with doing this same work and share best practices in the hope of improving policies and procedures. “All of these schools have had HC’s for many years, some over 100,” said Phillips, “but as you might imagine, things change and programs need updating from time to time.”

In small groups, students discussed the importance of being strong role models, being “honorable when no one else is around,” and emphasizing for other students that it’s “not about being perfect but more about owning up to your own mistakes.”

Trinity's Honor Committee is composed of  students elected by their peers. Read about the school’s annual Honor Chapel and hear from elected student representatives here.

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