
Junior Work Week

Junior Work Week is March 24-28, 2025

All members of the junior class participate in Junior Work Week, an opportunity for students to explore a career or specific job of interest.  During the process, students learn about the world of work and gain greater understanding of their own strengths and interests.

Benefits of the Experience

The goals of the program are for students to
  • gain insight into the day-to-day activities of a job within a field of interest
  • understand how the job fits into the overall operation of the organization
  • learn about the education and experience requirements for the position
The benefits of the experience are far reaching because students
  • will go through the process of deciding on and securing a position of interest.
  • will get hands-on experience in a career of interest - what's really involved in the "dream job"?
  • can draw upon this experience as they begin the college application process in their senior year.

During Junior Work Week, students are required to maintain a detailed journal in which they recount their duties and reflect on their experiences.  Journal entries will include interviews with employees on the job, observations and reactions regarding work responsibilities, and a final analysis of the week's experience.  In addition to providing juniors with the opportunity to explore and, perhaps, discover a path of interest, the week-long experience has led some to summer internships and other future opportunities. 

Discovering New Paths

Additional Information for Host Employers

List of 5 items.

  • What is required of the host employer?

    The main requirement of the host is to expose the student to as much as possible during the week.  Depending on the type of job, the student may be asked to perform work, or the student may be more of an active observer.  Ideally, the student is an engaged participant to the extent possible during his/her time with the host employer.
  • What forms are required for the host employer to provide to Trinity Episcopal School?

    There are three simple forms Trinity requires from each host employer.
    • The Host Employer Agreement confirms your willingness to host a TES junior for all five days from February 26 - March 1, 2024 and provides the school with basic contact information. 

    • The Junior Work Week Confirmation Form, a document that you and the student will complete together and includes the date of the interview and specifics to be covered.
    • The Employer Evaluation of Student lets the school know that the student fulfilled their obligation and gives you a chance to provide some helpful feedback to the student and school. 
    In some instances, host employers may be asked to complete additional forms.  Students and/or the Junior Work Week coordinator will provide employers with any supplemental forms to complete.
  • What other additional information would be useful for prospective host employers to know?

    • Students must secure a position in the Richmond Metropolitan Area by January.
    • Students are not paid and should work "regular" work day hours (30-hour minimum for the week).
    • Employers must be willing to host for the full five days.
    • Students participating on a spring Trinity sports team will need to report to practice and/or games during the week and will communicate their schedules in advance.
    • Students are required to complete written assignments of their activities each day and to give an overall evaluation of their week.
    • Students will call employers at various stages in the "hiring" process to confirm logistics for the actual work week.
  • What steps should a prospective host employer take to participate in Trinity's Junior Work Week Program?

    Prospective host employers can reach out to the Junior Work Week Coordinator, who will answer any questions and connect them with interested students.
  • May a prospective host employer contact a Junior Work Week Program Coordinator at Trinity for additional information or to ask questions?

    Certainly.  For additional information not included here, please contact Chet Childress, Junior Work Week Program Coordinator, at

Interested in hosting a Trinity student?

Thank you for supporting the Junior Work Week program. Employers who wish to host a student for a week in March 24-28, 2025, should contact Chet Childress at for more information.

A Student Perspective ...

“Originally for Junior Work Week, I was going to work with a meteorologist… and when that fell through I talked to Mr. Childress and we set up a civil engineering job downtown, and now I’m really considering being a civil engineer... It has changed my views on college because now I’m going to start looking at engineering schools.”

— Caitlynn Collins ’20

A Student Perspective

“In this Junior Work Week experience, I’ve learned that soft skills are just as important as hard skills... It’s nice to see that you never stop learning; you keep learning as you work.”
— Kenley Morris ’19


List of 1 members.