We are responsible for developing a community and culture that enables students and faculty to thrive. As education itself and the needs and desires of our families become more complex, Trinity must continue to balance our expenses with our income. We believe that our current target of roughly 510 students is correct, given our goals for building community, our faculty and staff, and our facilities. As a school built on a community of students from 40 different schools, 80 different zip codes and countries from around the world, we recognize that our identity relies on our tuition level and the availability of tuition assistance. We look continually at our tuition price point compared to our primary competitors and would like to remain on the lower end of that tuition range. Importantly, though, Trinity must continue to offer high-quality programs in all areas to prepare our students for college, careers, and life. We will look for ways to increase our revenue, with emphasis on growing our endowment while being judicious in our expenses.