
Tuesday 1.14.25

-Welcome to our visitors!
-Chapel tomorrow: Epiphany--not a dress up day and it is a 3:15 pm dismissal
-Teen Leadership Program at the Science Museum of Virginia--email if interested 
-Winter play meeting tomorrow at Discovery for anyone who wants to help with costumes or props in the theater
-Congratulations to all-VISAA athletes for Caroline Avery & Susanna Whitehead
-Congratulations to all-VISAA athletes in field hockey: LG Logan, Avery Johnson, Cabell Berkeyheiser, Anna Riesser, and VISAA State Player of the Year: Karsin Beatty 

Meetings at Discovery:
Battle of the Brains in S-2
IB Art students in the art room
Book Club in D-3
TESPN in Speight Alumni Room

Boys JV green basketball at Woodberry Forest at 4:30 pm (1:30 pm dismissal)
Boys varsity basketball at Woodberry Forest at 6:00 pm (1:30 pm dismissal)
Girls JV basketball home v. Collegiate at 4:30 pm
Girls varsity basketball home v. Collegiate at 6:00 pm

Happy Birthday!
Sam Thompson & William Roussy & Mrs. Grotos

More Headlines

List of 15 news stories.


Trinity Episcopal School

3850 PITTAWAY DR | RICHMOND VA 23235-1099 | Phone: 804.272.5864 | Fax: 804.272.5865 Email: