-Day 2 schedule -Pickup textbooks today at Discovery and lunch in the Speight Alumni Room -See Ms. Bartz in her office today at Discovery for schedule changes -Friday is the Club Fair at Discovery in the breezeway outside of Estes Athletic Center -All club leaders need to turn in posters to Ms. Reid/Mr. Williamson by tomorrow -All student leaders meet tomorrow in D2 at Discovery -Movie Club and Spanish Club need leaders--see Ms. Behrens in B-4 if interested -Shields in Service community service form 2024-2025 found in the Trinity bookmarks--enter your summer service -Media Day tomorrow at 3:00 pm for all fall athletic teams -Parking decal distribution today--check email for schedules -Evacuation drill today at 9:50 am--silently clear the building and meet on the soccer field -All who are tardy or leaving early must sign in and out at the front desk and parent must call -Any 10th or 11th graders interested in Yearbook, see Ms. Phillips today in S-4 at Discovery -See Mr. Hamlin if you are interested in conducting Media Day interviews tomorrow -See Mr. Benson in S-2 at Discovery if interested in Science Society leadership -Lunch delivery begins today for preorders in Estes - only pickup your own lunch -Contact Mr. Markunas if you are interested in Pach's Place -Freshmen Retreat waivers are due online today -Welcome to new faculty/staff members -Thank you TPA for the lovely picnic yesterday