“As someone who wants to pursue a career in STEM, being able to have the opportunity to meet another woman who has made an impressive career for herself in STEM, is an inspiration for me,” said Madison Jewett ‘26
-Pi Week math contests all week during Discovery--sign up and earn extra credit -SGA is seeking student leaders for 2025-2026--interest meeting in D-2 on Wednesday at Discovery -Prom is April 5th--get excited -Junior class reps meet in D-1 after chapel + seeking 2-4 10th graders looking to volunteer -Richmond Forum meeting Wednesday in D-1 at Discovery -Tritones rehearsal from 7:00-8:30 pm tonight -Music rehearsal at 6:00 pm for those going to Universal Orlando -Congratulations to Sylvie Dow on being selected for All-Virginia orchestra -Congratulations to the Trinity orchestra on their performance at the District Orchestra Assessment -Yearbook meeting Tuesdays and Thursdays at Discovery in B-1 -Q3 ends this Friday--make sure to check in with all teachers -Titan for a Day visits are happening this week on Tuesday and Thursday--talk to admission department to help and welcome potential new Titans