News & Calendar
News Room

Thursday 1.30.25

-Welcome to our visitors today
-College Counseling webinar tonight at 7:00 pm featuring the University of Richmond on college financial aid-open to all
-Jazz Ensemble rehearsal at 6:30 pm tonight
-BAI field trip forms due by next Friday
-Ceramics students from S1 please pick up your work 
-STARS meeting tomorrow at Discovery 

Meetings at Discovery:
FCA in the Aux Gym 
Ping Pong club in S-1 
SpeakUp club in D-1
Yearbook in B-1
Motorsorts club in the Fishbowl
GSA in D-5

Girls JV basketball at St. Catherine's at 4:00 pm (2:30 pm dismissal) 
Girls varsity basketball home v. Episcopal HS at 5:00 pm

Happy Birthday!
Jacob Hutter & Braxton Brooks & Jacob O'Dette 

More Headlines

List of 15 news stories.


Trinity Episcopal School

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