-Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and there is an option to receive ashes at Pach's Place after Morning Meeting -Course registration for 2025-2026 ends Friday (3/7)--make sure to check in with your teachers if you have questions -There are spots open for the next Richmond Forum--see Ms. Schriber if interested -Class rep elections will happen after spring break--see Ms. Reid or Mr. Williamson if interested -Orchestra and Tritones rehearsal today at 3:30 pm -Come out and see the theater production of "The 39 Steps" Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30 pm -Black Alliance meeting Thursday at Discovery in B-2 -Spring athletics media day is tomorrow -Winter athletes please clean out your athletics locker
Meetings at Discovery: Spiritual Gifts class in E-4 Class reps in D-2 Battle of the Brains in S-2 French Club in B-3 -- open to all to celebrate Mardi Gras Book Club in D-3 Yoga & Meditation in the art room loft TESPN in Speight Alumni Room Cast and Crew for theater in the PAC
Athletics: JV baseball scrimmage at Jamestown HS at 4:00 pm (1:30 pm dismissal) Softball scrimmage at Monacan at 4:30 pm (2:45 pm dismissal) Varsity girls lacrosse scrimmage at Douglas Freeman at 5:30 pm
“As someone who wants to pursue a career in STEM, being able to have the opportunity to meet another woman who has made an impressive career for herself in STEM, is an inspiration for me,” said Madison Jewett ‘26